Welcome to
Hands On Trees
Meet Wade

Hi, I'm Wade, owner of Hands On Trees. As a second generation arborist, I can honestly say that trees are my roots. My arborist father taught me all about trees and my mother taught me the artistry of landscaping and fine pruning. After learning how to climb, it wasn’t long before I was working to become a certified arborist myself. My love for trees is actually what led me to Portland and it is here that I have spent nearly a decade working with the trees of the Pacific NW, helping them thrive in our urban environment. I believe in looking at every tree's health in a holistic way - I do this because often what is going on beneath the soil is more important than what we see above. This concept is what led me to start Hands On Trees.
Whether you need someone to inspect the upper canopy of a 200 year old Doug Fir, delicately bring balance to a prized Japanese Maple, or even take charge of removing a hazardous nuisance, I'd love to hear from you and talk trees.